Women Changing the World

To research women who have contributed to the development, education and culture of each of the participating countries. 

The aim is to prepare the biographies of the women she researched, to introduce these important women to her friends and students from other project partner countries by using methods such as presentation drama, to highlight the hidden heroes and to reveal the conditions under which the real heroes achieved their success.


1. We aim to provide research awareness to our students. 2. We aim to raise critical thinking awareness. 3. We aim to develop the sense of empathy. 4. We aim to ensure that elements unique to our cultural history and world cultural elements are recognized. 5. We aim for students to work collaboratively. . We aim to socialize students with activities to be held within the school. 7. We aim for students to gain digital literacy skills by using Web.2 tools.

Expected Results

1. Students recognize important figures in their history. 2. Students have the opportunity to get to know important figures in different regions. 3. Students' research and critical thinking skills develop. 4. Our students develop self-confidence and sense of responsibility. 5. Students' Web. They are provided with learning using 2 tools. 6. Students are enabled to learn by doing and experiencing. 7. Socialization of students is ensured through activities held within the school.

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